University of Reunion Island

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About Us:

The Research Unit (UMR) "Infectious Processes in Tropical Island Environments, acronym PIMIT" (Director Patrick MAVINGUI) hosts associate and full Professors, researchers, engineers and technicians from the Reunion University, INSERM (U1187), CNRS (9192) and IRD (249). It is located in Saint-Denis de La Réunion at the CYROI research platform (Reunion Cyclotron, 2 rue Maxime Rivière, 97490 Ste Clotilde). This unit of about 40 members (20 permanents and 20 non permanents) conducts research on zoonotic infectious diseases in Reunion Island and in the South-West Indian Ocean Islands. PIMIT is structured in 2 research teams: Dynamics of Infectious agents in Insular Systems (acronym DySIIs) and Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Pathogenic Infectious Agents (acronym MOCA) led by Pr. Philippe DESPRÈS. MOCA is a team specialized in the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of RNA viruses of medical importance. Two research axes are carried out within the MOCA team, the first one focuses on infectious pathologies with a target on pathogenicity and host response. The second research axis focuses on anti-infectious strategies through vaccinology and antiviral strategies using medicinal plants as a source of active molecules. Successful collaborations have been established with research groups within France, Europe, Brazil and USA and their themes are supported by European H2020 (ZIKAlliance) and FEDER Région Réunion 2015-20 (ZIKAlert and PHYTODENGUE) programs as well as R&D partnerships with SMEs supported by Inserm Transfert.

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Our Locations:

02 rue Maxime Rivière
Sainte Clotilde , France 97490
University of Reunion Island
02 rue Maxime Rivière
Sainte Clotilde , Reunion 97490
ICSN, CNRS - Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
Métabolites de plantes Isolement, Synthèse et Bioactivité
Avenue de la Terrasse - Bâtiment 27
Gif-sur-Yvette , Paris 91190